How many trees are cut down to make toilet paper
In 2010, National Geographic famously claimed that 27,000 trees were felled every day to fuel toilet paper consumption.
How many trees are cut down to make toilet paper
In 2010, National Geographic famously claimed that 27,000 trees were felled every day to fuel toilet paper consumption.

How fast does bamboo actually grow?
A lot faster than trees! The exact answer to the question is not so simple however. There are almost 1,400 known species of bamboo around the world, and some species...
How fast does bamboo actually grow?
A lot faster than trees! The exact answer to the question is not so simple however. There are almost 1,400 known species of bamboo around the world, and some species...

Bamboo toilet paper storage
The majority of consumers in the UK still buy their toilet paper from grocery stores like Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda or Lidl. These stores typically offer toilet paper from various brands,...
Bamboo toilet paper storage
The majority of consumers in the UK still buy their toilet paper from grocery stores like Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda or Lidl. These stores typically offer toilet paper from various brands,...

Best Bamboo Toilet Paper UK
Eco friendly bloggers and sustainability advocates are at the forefront of encouraging consumers to move away from normal toilet paper and try alternatives, like bamboo toilet paper
Best Bamboo Toilet Paper UK
Eco friendly bloggers and sustainability advocates are at the forefront of encouraging consumers to move away from normal toilet paper and try alternatives, like bamboo toilet paper

Pros and Cons of Bamboo toilet paper
If you are considering whether to try bamboo toilet paper in your own home, you have probably already realised how damaging normal toilet paper can be to the environment, and...
Pros and Cons of Bamboo toilet paper
If you are considering whether to try bamboo toilet paper in your own home, you have probably already realised how damaging normal toilet paper can be to the environment, and...

Is toilet paper really a factor in deforestatio...
News articles, charities, environmental bodies and even celebrities have discussed the negative impact toilet paper is having on the environment and more specifically its role in global deforestation.
Is toilet paper really a factor in deforestatio...
News articles, charities, environmental bodies and even celebrities have discussed the negative impact toilet paper is having on the environment and more specifically its role in global deforestation.